Story: Pony Age: Origins (Update Part 11!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[Crossover][Adventure][Grimdark] I think this time slot is dedicated to throwing random crossovers out and seeing how you guys react.  Naruto didn't work so well yesterday, but the pre-readers actually liked this one! (I honestly gambled with the Naruto one since no one would review it, sorry :p)

Author: OmegaPony11
Description: The Ponyspawn have invaded Equestria, and it is up to the newest addition to the Grey Wardens, Twilight Sparkle, to find them means to drive them back! With her friends and allies at her side, can Twilight defeat the evil tide before all of Equestria is devoured?
All Links after the break!
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