Season 1 Stats and Stuff

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, May 2, 2011

I have received a few emails asking for stats and stuff for the site.  So here is a stat post!

Above is the all time blogger stats.  It resets the slope every month, so May looks like a massive drop, but it's just building it.  You can at least see the increase from when the blog started (January) to now.

On the side you will see pageviews.  When I took this, it was ~2:00 PM.  The Blogger daily stats roll over at 5:00pm.  I am not sure if it will break yesterday in 3 hours, but it might!

Now blogger isn't 100% accurate, and I figured this out pretty late.  I added Google Analytics some time around the middle of February for a more in depth analysis, meaning it's missing about half a month of data.  You can find all of that After the Page Break
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