Comics: Season 2 Blues/Band Geeks

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Saturday, August 27, 2011

So how about that Luna, huh? I hear she's a happy emo revolutionary who loves an abacus and wears socks and is too out of touch with society to talk to any of her millions of friends. And she may or may not be Trixie. If I were the writers of the show, I would be sweating bullets waiting for the audience reaction to the return of the character. I have no doubt they have something awesome planned, but Luna has become like unto a force of nature, and I'm not sure 'something awesome' is actually going to be enough anymore! Here's a little bit of exploration about how that might play out by Blade-zulah, which is sure to make you laugh if your vocal chords are capable of making the sounds.

And then to close things out, a little ditty by Krekka01 featuring Snails attempting to make a Spongebob Squarepants reference. Lyra is not amused. Poor Lyra. Speaking about characters with an impossible fanon to live up to... *cough*

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