6 million hits! Rarity Time! And news!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rarity sure is amazing! Definitely the BEST unicorn on the show.

Anyway on with the news!

6 Star Tags
I have been messing around with these, trying to decide on what stories should get them... At first the plan was to hand 6 star tags to every 5 star story that has over 50 votes.  Then I realized, they ALL have 50 votes! At least the newer ones.  You all seem to have taken my advice on fics or something, because they are more popular than ever now.  So, I think I might start assigning 6 star tags to stories that are 4.9+ with 60+ votes instead.  If your story meets that criteria, feel free to email me, though Zarkanorf already sent me everything that was eligible I think! 

Google Docs Cap
My best e-friend Speckles (who puts up with my constant pony nonsense) has discovered a very simple workaround for Google Docs caps.  If a doc is maxed out, simply replace the "edit" in the URL with "preview".  Apparently back on May 2nd, Google accidentally removed the code that automatically dishes out previews once a document is filled up.  They are fixing it soon, but for now a simple url fix should get you in.

Is awesome

The Great and Powerful Trixie
Last weeks news

Madmax Comic

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