Story: The Party Must Go On

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[Normal] "This is an absolutely brilliant comedy of errors. An extremely clever subversion of the final episode with great pacing and dialog. I giggled openly; we don't get anywhere near enough silly pieces like this."-Pre reader #2

Author: HeatWave
Description: Did the Grand Galloping Gala truly end after the mane cast left? Was the night truly over after those disastrous events? Or was it possible that something could have been salvaged of that dreaded evening of shattered dreams? A bit of a 'what-could-have-been' scenario. As the Main Six are [almost] nowhere to be seen, some OC's had to come in and fill the blanks.
The Party Must Go On

Additional Tags: What-if, Aftereffects, Wonderbolts, Grand Galloping Gala, Missed Opportunities

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