Story: Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

[Normal][Random] It's... not what it looks like. Let's not go to the movies today, it would be much better to just curl up and have some story time. Yay! (All right, let's be a bit clearer: picture and story not actually [...]
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YTP: Horseplay

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Another Youtube Poop Series! yay~ 1.) Horseplay 12.) Horseplay 23.) Horseplay 3Read more [...]
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Blind Bags On The Way To The USA!

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A thread over on MLP Arena has revealed that the blind bag ponies are finally heading to the US! For those that haven't been following them, they are essentially card packs with a random pony inside, and the only way to [...]
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Story: Sparks Flying (Update Part 3!)

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[Grimdark-War] We haven't had a Griffon story in a while.  I wonder if Gilda will be making a return in season two?  Author: PitViperOfDoomDescription: There is no harmony in hate. A spark of love once ignited [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #94

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Raver Sparkle edition.  Woops forgot to saucyize the saucy images!Source 1Read more [...]
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New Fanfiction Submission rule!

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I've updated the fanfiction submission page with a quick rule.Please have ONLY the title of the story in the subject line of the email you send. Nothing else! Just trying to clean things up a bit! Everything else remains [...]
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Story: Nopony Can Resist 'Em

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[Shipping] It's short, sweet, and wonderfully cheesy, and it knows it.-Pre-reader #15Author: N.K.Description: It's said that the fastest way to a colt's heart is through his stomach. When Soarin's sweet tooth begins to arise [...]
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End of May Conventions and Cosplays Compilation Post

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Yesterday I asked everyone to send me images/videos/writeups from various conventions going on this week.  There were 3 big ones!1.) Phoenix Comic Con2.) Fanime3.) Anime North 2011 Now before you continue after the [...]
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Bnet (CBS Interactive Business Network) Reports on Friendship is Magic!

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Have some ironponyAnyway, it looks like another large news organization has jumped on the pony trend bandwagon. This time CBS's news blog has an article up that primarily focuses on the business aspect of Friendship is Magic. [...]
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Flankbook Domain Update

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Flankbook has moved on to a new domain, and the admin asked me to let everypony know.  I guess people were confused!He has also added personal image albums and a few other new features to spice things up a bit.  [...]
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PMV Xponies / Call of Pony: Modern Warmare 3 / Perform This Way

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Trailers and Weird Al time!Also some ridiculously cute trixie up above that I will sneak in at every opportunity.  1.) X-Ponies First Class: Pinkamina's School For Gifted Fillies 2.) Call of Pony: Modern Warmare 33.) [...]
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PMV: Rainbow Syndrome / Reading a Book / We'll Meet Again

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Number one is so blindingly happy. It's a shame it sort of has a dark side hidden in there. 1.) Double rainbow syndrome 2.) Twilight's Reading a Book 3.) We'll Meet Again Read more [...]
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Story: A Day with the Wonderbolts

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[Normal] It's totally Rainbow Dash day or something. Still /r/ing a widescreen version of this btw, thanks! Author: The Dark GriffonDescription: Rainbow Dash gets to live her dream -- a day with the famous Wonderbolts. [...]
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Hotcha Poniday For Strings / She's a Horse / Clone High

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Random PMV Time! 1.) Hotcha Poniday For Strings 2.) She's a Horse (probably nsfw song lyrics) 3.) Clony High Read more [...]
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Story: I Dream Reality is My Dream

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[Normal] Dashy time! Author: mykowskisDescription:In the wake of a troubling dream, Rainbow Dash attempts to console herself as she comes to terms with her own insecurities.Google Docs I Dream Reality Is My DreamDeviant [...]
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La Hooves / Anomaly System / Winter Wrap Up Dance Mix

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Have a Trixie in a bunny costume to represent some of the weird stuff buried in this music post! 1.) La Hooves - Muffinproof 2.) The Anomaly System - Brony3.) Winter Wrap Up - E.M.M Heavy Dance Mix Read more [...]
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Newbie Artist Training Grounds Day 5

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I think all of your fruit ponies scared Phoe away!  So I'm creating the post this time!This time around, we have 266 entries! Feel free to add them to your Achievement List if you are participating in that as well. [...]
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PMVs: Be Our Guest // Hiroshima // Twilight in Trouble

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Monday, May 30, 2011

PMVs means random image, and random image means the most recent image in Cereal's pony folder that he likes. That isn't NSFW.1.) Be Our Guest2.) Hiroshima3.) Twilight is in Trouble AgainRead more [...]
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Comic: Lonely Night

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Because Luna comics are the best comics. Need source [...]
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United Nations Approved International Day of Friendship

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A worldwide event celebrating friendship starting THIS year? Everything is lining up way too perfectly for a 2012 Ponypocalypse.Anyway, I'm sure we can schedule some extravaganza or something on July 30thn when it all takes [...]
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Pony Music Discussion - Pony DJ Youtube Channel

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Just in case you guys were bored of Scratch, it looks like this crazy brony has released the entire mane cast as DJ ponies.Which pony fits with each genre of music best though?  We used to have threads dedicated to [...]
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Chat Room Is Back!

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Because reviving old projects when I finally get an email break is a great idea. You can find it at the bottom of the page, it's hosted externally so you may need to modify your blockers/noscipts/whatever. I wont be responding [...]
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Story: The Luna Heresy (Updated Part 2!)

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding

[Crossover][Grimdark][Sci-Fi] In the grimdark future of pony, there is only war but also sometimes hugs.Author: SIROFLOT Description: 30,000 Years in the future, Celestia rules the Empire of Equestria, a huge galactic empire [...]
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Breaking News! Little Girls Like My Little Pony!

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Evidently Seth and Cereal are both too chicken to share this with you. A round of applause for these brave gentlemen. Sheez.It turns out that somewhere in the world there is the most adorable little girl ever, and she is [...]
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Story: A Twilight and Trixie Story

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[Comedy][Shipping] >Write Progress, negating pre-readers forever>Use free pass to make fun of Trixie shippingI see what you did thar! Author: Andew Joshua TalonDescription: Another "Trixie decides to make amends with [...]
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Massive Thank You Letter to Hasbro from Ponychan

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Over on Ponychan, a brony going by the name of Angelthebunny compiled 615+ brony thank you responses to Hasbro for both Equestria Girls and the Friendship is Magic in general. .  They asked me to forward it to the guy [...]
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Send me Convention Images!

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I'm getting a lot of random emails from various conventions going on right now.  So I'm going to compile it all.So if you have attented a convention in the past week or so, toss me some cosplay pictures, or even write [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #93

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Poketrainer Fluttershy Edition. I'm surprised there isn't any fanfiction about this yet, though we do have one with Rarity being shipped with Rapidash in review right now... Source 1Read more [...]
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Custom Hoity Toity

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Because everypony loves custom pony. You know, I'm seeing  a serious lack of Trixie in these customs.  Is it too much of  CHALLENGE for you guys?  I see how it is.Anyway you can find Hoity Toity [...]
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2D Pony Flash Game Progress

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That Pony Flash Game I posted a while back has made leaps and bounds in terms of progress.  They have chosen a story, modified their physics engine, and set up all sorts of amazing musical scores.I'll let the video [...]
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Pony Doodle Bags

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AnonponyX Reports from straight from K-Mart!  Looks like Hasbro is releasing those felt coloring things with FiM characters!Included in the pack is 1 image of each mane cast pony, along with the marker set.Retail Price: [...]
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Story: Beyond Forever

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[Sad][Light Shipping] Does anypony remember reading Forever? Did it make you sad? Then please accept this hug and cookie, and sit down and read this. You'll like it, I promise.Author: BobcatDescription: The long awaited [...]
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Comic: Pinkfinger

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James Bond and ponies?!Some day we will have the technology to convert every classic movie into a pony version.I hope. Sou [...]
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Shine Bright Fluttershy

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I won't pretend to be an expert on these toys at all, so I admit I had no clue this thing was new, but apparently it is!The Shine bright line tends to have light-up horns/wings.   It is currently on the same chinese [...]
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A Pink Floyd Collaborative Effort

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I know that's Dark Side of the Moon, shut up.A pony over at Ponychan is undertaking the rather daunting task of creating a PMV for every song on Pink Floyd's The Wall. He is gathering other ponies who want to contribute [...]
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Speed Painting, Minecraft Pixel Art, and Youtube Poop

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Giant continent size Twilight Sparkle looks good even pixelated! Confound these ponies... they drive me to feel...something. Hopefully is not that macro thing. Also a Speed paint and another 8 minute completely random youtube [...]
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Eeyup Button

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YesIt's an eeyup button.You should probably press it.Though you will have to go here to do it. Truly an amazing work of Flash if I do say so myse [...]
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MLP Choral Medley // DJ Big Macintosh // Equestria Girls 1 Hour Loop

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Quite a mix in this one. We have a Compilation of all songs, medley style, a full on rap song with pony lyrics, and a 1 hour loop of Equestria Girls.Also Lyra needs to be a mane character in the second season.  So [...]
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ELEKTRO Pony // No Country for Old Ponies // Stranger than Magic

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2 Movie Trailers and a Completely off the wall random music video, I don't know what's going on here.Have some ninja shy.  Shes kinda cute really.  1.) ELEKTRO PONY (PMV) 2.) No Country For Old Ponies 3.) My Little [...]
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Comic: Party's Nemesis

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Comic time!Too big for blogger again!Have a link! [...]
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What would you guys like to see me poll? I stopped doing them for a while, but I'd like to start regularly posting them again. They will now fall hang the bottom right of the blog under the archive.  I figure that's [...]
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Story: PonyNoir (Update Story 2 Part 1!)

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[Grimdark][Adventure] "Hyperviolent and dark as hell... but It has that noir vibe to it in spades... Ready for primetime" - Pre-reader #3Author: GarnotDescription: Ten years ago, Celestia and Luna mysteriously vanished from [...]
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Story: Deluge

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[Grimdark][Shipping] Another Noir style fic.  Probably not for everpony, but the pre-readers that do enjoy noir loved it, so hopefully it's a hit with the rest of you! Author: no spaceDescription: It's been years [...]
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Newbie Artist Training Grounds: Day 4

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calamari saved my life edition. Did you know I actually got to read things today? I even played some video games! Don't think for a second I would have given up if we hadn't found an alternate route, but after yesterday's [...]
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Remix War Update!

Diposkan oleh DemoLanding on Sunday, May 29, 2011

Not a Clever Pony's Remix War is in full swing, and registrations are closing at the end of the day tomorrow, so if you are interested in joining in, feel, free to jump on board for it! On June 11th we will get a massive [...]
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More Warhammer Ponies

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I know absolutely nothing about Warhammer, but these are cool drawings in any case!Sanity-X has sent us some! Check them out here, here, and he [...]
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Story: Luna's Excellent Adventure

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[Crossover][Comedy] Luna Comedy! The best comedy really.. Author: BlueshiftDescription: Princess Luna is fed up with not having any friends. So one day, she uses her magical pony powers to travel across the pony multiverse. [...]
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Drawfriend Stuff #92

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Twilight Sparkle would make a good anime character edition!And to answer concerns in the last drawfriend about the borderline images, I actually received a ton of emails begging me not to take them out, so I think just a [...]
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Custom Spitfire

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It's... amazing.I found this one on Ponibooru, does she have a DA page? this is definitely one of the most badass customs so f [...]
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